The Integrated Planning Process™

The Integrated Planning Process™ uses a four-step, personal, values-driven process to assist our private clients in developing a wealth management strategy consistent with their mission, vision, values, and goals. The ultimate objective is to optimize the use and deployment of financial, human and intellectual capital consistent with each client’s core values.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 1: Discovery - Clarity and Confidence²

"Few things worth while can be
accomplished in a single lifetime."

Gain Insights and Clarity


  • Crystallize planning objectives by documenting and verifying core Goals & Values
  • Define financial independence, family legacy, and social capital goals
  • Analyze current status including financial position, planning documents and life insurance.
  • Identify an Ideal Plan Objectives checklist
  • Produce a GAP Analysis and identify inconsistencies and opportunities


  • Attain clarity through a written vision of your Ideal Plan – address what and why, not how
  • Establish criteria for your Advisory Team
  • Gain understanding of enhancements and potential results
  • We prepare a written "Vision Statement" of your Ideal Plan. Your "Vision Statement" should provide critical insight and perspective to your advisory team, and empower them in their efforts for you

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 2: Solutions Modeling - Integrated Solutions

"There is a cost attached to planning, however there is also a cost for failing to plan. The question is which price will you pay...and which generation will pay it?"

Explore Opportunities for Enhancement


  • Explore potential solutions consistent with your Vision, Values & Goals
  • Provide economic models and education on Strategies and Tactics on how to achieve your specific objectives and desired results
  • To Illuminate Your Choices


  • All solutions should remain consistent with the established planning benchmark for your Ideal Plan, established in Step 1
  • This Step should empower you with knowledge to help you make educated decisions on what strategies, variations and combinations you may wish to pursue
  • Advisory team building should begin to solidify at this Step

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 3: Implementation - Plan Implementation Management

"Plans on paper are meaningless unless you implement them."

Action to Achieve Desired Results


  • Coordinate Advisory Team to help you execute the solutions that allow your Ideal Plan vision to become a reality
  • Select appropriate vendors for financial products and fiduciary roles


  • Actual results that are consistent with the established planning benchmark for your Ideal Plan established in Step 1

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 4: The Integrated Master Plan - Having It All In One Place

“Wise decisions and organization
lead to happiness and peace of mind.”

A Wealth Management Portfolio


  • Assemble in one portfolio, an integrated and multi-disciplinary summary of your wealth management planning
  • Bring together in one place copies of your planning documents, financial data, life insurance information – along with your advisory team contact information


  • Clarity and understanding
  • Satisfaction with the results, which should be consistent with your planning decisions, and also with the Portfolio, as a tool for reference and review
  • Peace of mind, knowing that your heirs and advisory team have a master plan to assist them during the transition period, following death

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4